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Revocable Living Trusts

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Revocable Living Trusts Lawyer In Newport Beach

Revocable trusts, also known as revocable living trusts, provide numerous advantages, the primary one being the ability to maintain control over your assets throughout your lifetime. Another significant benefit is the flexibility to dissolve the trust if necessary. However, it is important to consider both the pros and cons of this approach.

At Finn Legal Group, we are committed to helping you make informed decisions regarding your assets and estate planning. Our experienced Newport Beach revocable trusts lawyer will attentively listen to your goals and expectations, providing tailored advice accordingly. To explore the potential benefits of trusts further, contact our office now to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help.

Understanding Revocable Living Trusts In California

A revocable trust provides the trustor with the flexibility to modify or completely revoke the trust during their lifetime. Once the trustor passes away, the trustee distributes the assets in accordance with the trust’s terms. This type of trust enables individuals to effectively manage and control their assets while alive and ensures a smooth transfer to their loved ones upon their demise. Assets that can be placed in a trust encompass a wide range of possibilities, including but not limited to:

  • Real property (homes, farms, vacation homes, etc.)
  • Deposit accounts
  • Investments (stocks, bonds, money market accounts, etc.)
  • Business interests
  • Collectibles (art, antiques, etc.)
  • Life insurance policies

Funding A Revocable Living Trust In California

“Funding” is the term used to describe the process of transferring assets into a trust. This typically involves changing the ownership of the assets from the grantor’s name to the name of the trust. Once the assets have been successfully transferred, their management is then governed by the terms of the trust. In essence, properly funding a Revocable Living Trust is crucial to ensure its effectiveness.

  • The trust must be fully funded on the creation date and should include a comprehensive schedule that provides sufficient details to identify the asset. This may include the address and APN for real estate, as well as a list of bank accounts along with their respective account numbers.
  • It is advisable to conduct an annual review of your assets to ensure that the trust holds the correct ones.
  • Be sure to update any beneficiary designations for assets held outside of the trust.

Funding a revocable living trust can take place either during its establishment or at a later date. It is advisable to initially fund the trust with a symbolic amount (e.g., $10 or a magic wand provision). If granted the power, the holder of a durable power of attorney may also be authorized to fund the trust.

While there have been instances where courts allowed the transfer of assets into a trust by the holder of a durable power of attorney even without explicit authorization, it is not prudent to rely on this. As part of the funding process, it is crucial to update any relevant beneficiary designations to align with the provisions of the trust.

Requirements For A Revocable Living Trust In California

  • In order for a trust to exist there must be trust property.
  • There must be a Grantor. The Grantor is the individual who transfers the property into the trust and establishes the terms of the trust.
  • There must be a Trustee. A Trustee is the recipient of property transferred by the grantor, obtaining legal title to the assets held within the trust. They are responsible for managing and distributing the trust’s income in accordance with the terms established by the Grantor.
  • There must be a Beneficiary. A beneficiary is a party for whom the trust is created and who will directly or indirectly receive the benefits from the use of income and/or principal of the trust property. It is important to note that there are specific beneficiary rights in California that should be taken into consideration.
  • The Grantor and Trustee must both be legally competent.
  • The Grantor must sign the trust in front of a certified notary and then fund the trust with the Grantor’s property.

Revocable Living Trust vs. Will

A revocable living trust and a will are both important estate planning documents that ensure the distribution of your assets according to your wishes after you pass away. In fact, most comprehensive estate plans incorporate both. However, there are distinct differences between the two. Here are three key distinctions between a living trust and a will:

  • Probate: One of the key distinctions between a revocable living trust and a will lies in their approach to probate. While a will necessitates probate, which involves validating the will, settling any debts, and allocating assets to beneficiaries, this process can be protracted, expensive, and exposed to public scrutiny. Conversely, a revocable living trust allows for the distribution of assets to beneficiaries without undergoing probate, offering advantages such as time and cost savings, as well as the preservation of estate privacy.
  • Asset Management: A revocable living trust and a will differ in how they handle your assets while you’re alive. A will only takes effect after your passing, while a revocable living trust can manage your assets if you become incapacitated or unable to handle them yourself. This added flexibility of a revocable living trust offers enhanced protection and peace of mind for both you and your loved ones.
  • Cost: A revocable living trust, although potentially more expensive to establish compared to a will, can offer valuable benefits for individuals seeking to avoid probate, maintain privacy, and effectively manage their assets throughout their lifetime.

In conclusion, although a will is a commonly used estate planning document, a revocable living trust offers additional advantages for individuals seeking to bypass probate, effectively manage their assets throughout their lifetime, and possess greater flexibility in their estate planning strategy.

Advantages Of A Revocable Living Trust

When considering the benefits of revocable living trusts, there are a couple of key advantages to highlight, both of which revolve around the issue of control. Unlike an irrevocable living trust, a revocable living trust allows for a greater degree of control over the management and utilization of your assets.

To begin with, the person establishing a revocable living trust is legally permitted to act as a self-appointed trustee, granting them sole responsibility for managing the trust throughout their lifetime. In contrast, an irrevocable living trust requires the grantor to appoint someone else, as they are not allowed to serve as trustee.

Another significant advantage of a revocable living trust in California is the ability to make amendments during your lifetime, allowing you to update the terms of the trust to reflect changes in your estate or family. Overall, a revocable living trust provides enhanced control and flexibility, empowering you to effectively manage your assets and adapt to evolving circumstances.

Disadvantages Of A Revocable Living Trust

There are compelling reasons to choose either a revocable living trust or an irrevocable living trust. While a revocable living trust may not shield your assets from the estate tax, implementing additional tax strategies can help preserve the full value of your estate. On the other hand, an irrevocable living trust offers certain tax protections, making it more advantageous in this regard.

It’s worth noting that a revocable living trust does not provide asset protection, meaning that the items in the trust are vulnerable to creditors. In contrast, an irrevocable trust treats the assets as separate from your own, safeguarding them from creditor claims.

Moreover, setting up any type of trust involves administrative work beyond simply completing a form. Therefore, it is crucial to work closely with a Newport Beach revocable living trusts lawyer to navigate the process effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Purpose of a Revocable Living Trust?

A common misconception about estate planning is that a will is all you need. While having a will is certainly important, it alone is not sufficient for a smooth and seamless estate planning process. In fact, even with a will, your assets may end up in probate court, a potentially lengthy and burdensome process that can delay the distribution of your desired items to your heirs.

The primary reason why many Californians opt to include a living trust in their estate plans is to avoid probate court. By doing so, they ensure that their wishes are carried out without any unnecessary legal complications.

Who Needs a Revocable Living Trust?

A living trust is an excellent strategy to avoid probate court and save your heirs valuable time, effort, and money. We highly recommend trusts for anyone looking to pass on significant assets to their beneficiaries.

Now, the choice between a revocable living trust and an irrevocable living trust is a different story altogether. Both options can help you achieve the primary objective of keeping assets out of probate. However, beyond that, each choice presents unique advantages and disadvantages.

How Is A Revocable Living Trust Taxed?

When considering the tax implications of establishing a living trust, it is advisable to seek guidance from your CPA. That being said, below are some key factors to keep in mind.

  • Under federal income tax regulations, the income generated by a revocable living trust is subject to direct taxation at the grantor’s tax rate. This is due to the fact that the grantor is recognized as the legal owner of the trust’s assets.
  • Establishing or funding a revocable living trust does not generate a gift, as the gift is only completed when the trust becomes irrevocable.
  • As the grantor has not permanently transferred any assets, the complete trust corpus will be considered part of the grantor’s estate for federal estate tax purposes.

Contact Our Newport Beach Revocable Living Trusts Lawyer Now

A revocable trust offers numerous benefits, serving as a means to safeguard your assets and provide support to your loved ones or preferred individuals and organizations. To determine if a revocable trust is suitable for you, and to identify the most appropriate type that aligns with your interests, please get in touch with our Newport Beach revocable trusts lawyer right away. At Finn Legal Group, we have been guiding families through the estate planning process for years and are eager to help you as well. Contact our office now to schedule your consultation and to learn more about how we can help.